Back to life, back to reality – The first two months in review

Before returning to Switzerland, I had prepared a little list of goals for myself. I was fully aware that “reality” would be different and that a full-blown tusnami wave was going to hit me and threaten to flush all my newly made resolutions away. I thought I could braise myself and be prepared. However, things turned out to be a little more challenging than I had expected. Now, after roughly two months of being back “in reality” (after 6 months of traveling and living on a farm), it’s time for an interim assessment.

Since one of my goals for this blog is to illustrate my journey and the struggles I face on my way to a lifestyle, which is more in line with my convictions, this is a rather personal post. Some of the descriptions might seem trivial and some of my “problems” might seem petty in a larger scheme. Still, it seem relevant to me to describe my current state and how I intend to deal with circumstances. Any resemblance to other actual persons, is purely intentional and I hope some readers might recognize themselves in the text. Continue reading “Back to life, back to reality – The first two months in review”

The story of my conversion and how I developed my current belief system

I’ve been experiencing an increasing frustration with the state of the world and the lack of my ability to get involved. Too many disconcerting discussions, documentaries, reflections and observations went by without me altering my lifestyle or leaving my comfort zone. Like most people I’ve noticed trends and developments – social, environmental, political – that left me aghast, but I stayed inactive.

In line with my conviction that also small steps matter, I’ve started this blog.

In contrast to the general concept of angry youth and disillusioned adulthood, I feel that my believes and convictions (see my other post about that) have only grown more firm in recent years. While they haven’t changed fundamentally, I grew more and more aware of why I believe certain things and that I’m really convinced of them (see first paragraph of article referenced above).

Continue reading “The story of my conversion and how I developed my current belief system”

What I believe in and why I think it matters and why I’m writing about it.

I believe that all humans are born equal.
I believe in solidarity and respect.
I believe in education and experience.
I believe in science and intuition.
I believe in planning and action.
I believe in the future.

…but I’m living in the present. I believe that change can only happen bottom up, by people, by individuals, groups, communities, taking action. I believe that governments and organizations have the power to influence and incentivize good behavior, they can inform and sponsor efforts, but at the end of the day, it’s up to individuals to make the change. I believe that every little act of each one of us counts. And I believe that starting with awareness, each small step, change, effort matters, because it will trigger someone else to do the same, until eventually, all the drops create an ocean. Continue reading “What I believe in and why I think it matters and why I’m writing about it.”